Energise your workplace

With authenticity, engagement and productivity - want more?

Are you ready to ignite the spark inside your people and create a positive culture at your business?

Organisations around the world are using a strengths-based approach to reveal people’s unique strengths to help build a more diverse, empowered, resilient and agile workplace.

What is Strengthscope?

The challenge:



Million workdays are lost each year due to stress in the US



Of UK workers feel that their job is meaningful



Of global organisations say improving the employee experience and making work more ‘human’ is top of their people agenda

It’s all about strengths

People who use their strengths deliver better outcomes and generate greater value for those around them and their organisations.

Identifying and then using our strengths makes us more confident, engaged with work, productive and able to build better relationships with colleagues.

We are here to accelerate people’s appreciation of themselves and help them bring their strength energy to work. Knowing the best version of ourselves makes us unique and that can kickstart any organisation.

Simple really.

alt test

Spark a lasting change within your organisation

So how do we unearth these superpower strengths in people? We’re here to help accurately discover strengths in a memorable, practical way that fuels a happier world of work.

24 Strengths

24 performance-related strengths for the workplace that target where you find your maximum energy from.


Our easy-to-use tool is simple to understand, modular, and can be used across the employee lifecycle.

Strengthscope® report

At its core is the Strengthscope® report. The blueprint to awaken the extraordinary in individuals.

Registered status

Our assessment is the only strengths tool globally to have registered status with the British Psychological Society. Our reports are accurate, credible and robust.

Identify and improve

The Strengthscope® report focuses on which strengths give us energy – and which drain our energy – allowing us to identify and improve the use of our strengths.

Universal language

No new terminologies to learn. Removes judgement and does not discriminate by age, gender or race.

Some of the results you can expect from the strengths approach


Increase profit


Increase in productivity


Improvement in engagement


Increase in sales


Reduction in absenteeism

Our case study with Amazon Web Services

Trusted by the world’s leading employers

Where you’ll be winning

Sounds good, right?

But what benefits will these newly supercharged individuals bring to your organisation?

Stronger Teams

How can you ensure your teams are utilising individual and collective strengths to drive up performance? An organisation is its teams and people but why do so many fail to achieve their potential?

Creating a contagious energy through strengths, which will flow through team after team, throughout an organisation, raises performance and creates a place where people thrive.

Learn more

Authentic Leaders

Leaders are people too. Honestly.

Authentic leaders bring their own style of leading others.

We want them to be themselves. Recognising strengths can energise a leader and inspire them to be more engaging and at their peak more of the time, in a way that’s real and relatable.

Learn more

High Impact Conversations

Who doesn’t love a conversation? Strengthscope® makes those conversations real and impactful.

A culture of openness and honesty brings positive outcomes and business success.

Research by the Corporate Leadership Council shows that employee performance can increase by as much as 36% when performance conversations focus on strengths, contrasted with a fall of 27% when the same conversation is focused on weaknesses.

Learn more

See the science behind strengths

Strengthscope® is a British Psychological Society registered test.

View the science
British Psychological Society registered test

Get your questions answered

You can chat, book a consultation, or email us.


Its simple to get started on the Strengthscope® journey

  • Step 1

    Get a core team of your people professionals Strengthscope® accredited

  • Step 2

    Brief line managers on how best to use the strengths approach with their directs/teams

  • Step 3

    Roll out your strengths development pathway across employees, using StrengthscopeEngage™ to assess improvements in key metrics

Get started