Team Development

Enable high-performing teams by introducing a strengths-focused mindset.

Teams make up and define organisations, but many fail to achieve their potential and some verge on dysfunctional. But some teams manage to raise their performance to another level and maintain it.

Enable high-performing teams in your organisation by introducing a strengths-focused mindset. When teams use their individual and collective strengths to drive up performance, their motivation, engagement, and productivity improves.

Teams that will benefit from strengths development:

  • Newly-formed teams
  • Dysfunctional teams
  • Teams performing under prolonged pressure
  • Under-performing teams
  • Teams undergoing periods of uncertainty, change, lay-offs and resignations
  • Hybrid and virtual teams
  • Cross-functional project teams
  • Teams with new managers

How we help your teams

First, we help your teams identify and leverage their greatest strengths areas and mitigate any clear risks that exist. Next, we focus in on building positive habits within your teams that will attain and maintain high performance.

  • Strengthscope®: Identifies each individual’s unique strengths and what gives them energy.
  • Strengthscope360™: Measures the effective use of an individual’s top strengths through qualitative and quantitative feedback from up to 15 raters, tracking improvement over time.
  • StrengthscopeTeam™: Combines a team’s strengths to maximise their productivity, collaboration, and performance; measures team behaviours and habits; and tracks improvement over time.
  • Individual and group debrief sessions: one-to-one or group coaching sessions led by an accredited coach to gain insights from the assessment results and take impactful action for change.
  • Peak-performing team journey: A three-stage journey on exploring and developing effective working practices within a team.
  • Bespoke workshops: Co-created with our consultants based on your team development needs.

Access to continuous strengths development material and coaching tools with StrengthsPortal®

Accreditation programs to train your HR and L&D teams.

Energising and transforming teams at AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) was seeking a partner who could provide a strong foundation for a cross-company team development programme that could take teams from good to great and build psychological safety, trust, improved collaboration and productivity.

For a pilot programme, 45 teams went through a series of workshops, with Strengthscope® and StrengthscopeTeam™ as the central tools providing the foundation for individual and team development.

Read the case study

Get in touch

Our scalable strengths development solutions can easily be integrated into your existing programs and platforms. Get in touch with us to find out more about our solutions.